Jacqueline McLean

In Jacqueline McLean’s 20 plus year career she has won the prestigious Edward R. Murrow for investigative reporting, as well as eight Emmy awards. Jackie was also chosen as one of the top three reporters in the country by the National Press Photographers Association. Jackie is a long-time member of IRE, Investigative Reporters & Editors, having served on numerous conference panels. Current news and writing projects include the development of OCI, OnCamera Investigations, an online, independent investigative news agency and JM Bonjour Productions, a news consulting, video production outlet. As a documentary producer, Jackie has earned an Emmy nomination and been chosen as an official contender in the San Francisco film market.
In May 2017, Jackie will graduate from Hamline University with an MFA in Creative Writing. Her thesis is a 100 page manuscript of creative nonfiction (CNF) essays titled The Coloring Lines Collection. Jackie has also published two CNF essays in literary journals.
Away from work, Jackie enjoys running and photography.