Bryant Clerkley

Bryant Clerkley


Bryant Clerkley is a reporter in WKRG’s Northwest Florida Bureau located in Pensacola covering Escambia, Santa Rosa and Okaloosa Counties.

Before coming to the Gulf Coast, Bryant was 6,000 miles away on the Island of Saipan. He worked as an anchor and reporter for KSPN2 News. While there, he covered everything from the nursing shortage on the island to the foreign worker strikes. Bryant also has a love for traveling, and while living in Micronesia, he also visited Hong Kong, South Korea and Japan.

Bryant’s first job as a reporter was with WGEM News in Quincy, Illinois. He worked as a Multimedia Journalist covering everything from the Mississippi River Floods to the murder of a 12-year-old boy.

Bryant is a graduate of Missouri State University and has bachelor’s degrees in both Journalism and Spanish.