Program Development

LornaDave Agency is now pitching full time!


Over the years LornaDave Agency has helped many clients develop and then pitch shows to networks and production companies.   LornaDave Agency gained so much traction in the industry a separate department was created within the agency to handle programming.

LornaDave Agency has contacts at all of the networks and major production companies.  LDA is in constant contact with these executives and we know what ideas, concepts and talent they are looking for.   LDA also works hand in hand with our clients in developing their ideas so we can pitch them.

Executives from networks and production companies are always looking for ideas for unscripted/reality programming,  docu-dramas, comedy and original programming.   But they only take pitches from agents they know and trust.   LDA has earned that trust and we have their ears.   So if you have a great show idea, LornaDave Agency can help you develop it and then pitch it.